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Psychology Short Form

Psychology Short Form

Psychology Short Form

Psychology short form is Psy.

What is Psychology?

The scientific study of the mind and behaviour is called Psychology. It is the study of behaviour and mental processes. The word psychology comes from the Greek words “psyche,” which means soul or mind, and “-ology,” which means the study of (think of biology, for instance). To put it simply, Psychology could be considered the study of the mind. By drawing on research findings from neuroscience, biology, sociology, and other fields, psychologists seek to better understand how people think, act and feel.

Major Areas of Psychology

Some of the major areas of psychology include:

  • Biological Psychology  (the relationship between biological factors such as genetics or brain chemistry and psychological phenomena)
  • Developmental psychology  (the study of how people change and grow over the course of their lives)
  • Social psychology  (how social influences affect thoughts, feelings, and behaviour)
  • Clinical Psychology  (how various psychological disorders develop or are treated)
  • Abnormal psychology  (the study of abnormal behaviour, including diagnosing mental illnesses)
  • Personality psychology  (how personality is formed, the relationship between traits and behaviour, how it changes over time, and how it can be measured)
  • Industrial/Organizational psychology  (the study of workplace behaviour to improve productivity)

What is the aim of psychology?

So what is the aim of psychology? The main goal of psychology is to understand and explain how we acquire, develop, and use knowledge. Psychology strives to understand and apply this knowledge in helpful ways. For example, the knowledge psychologists have acquired over the years has been applied to many different areas such as education, marketing, advertising, criminal justice, and even business.

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Who is a Psychologist?

Psychologists may be experimental or clinical psychologists who often work in university settings or medical schools. They conduct research on human behaviour and may teach psychology students under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. Clinical psychologists may have doctorates in their field of expertise, such as clinical psychology, counselling psychology, school psychology, industrial & organizational psychology, or behaviour analysis. Some psychologists follow their own research interests and are known as psychological researchers.

What is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats mental health disorders. He may treat people who have a mental illness along with a general medical condition, such as heart disease. Many psychiatrists also work in the areas of community mental health and primary care settings. A psychiatrist practising in private practice or clinic will see patients of all ages, whereas those working in hospitals and state institutions generally tend to work with adults.

Difference Between Psychiatrist And Psychologists

The main difference between the two: a psychologist is not a medical doctor and cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who can diagnose mental illness and prescribe medications. Both psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to understand normal human behaviour, how it differs from behaviour that is abnormal or maladaptive, how abnormality develops over time, the different forms of abnormality, and what is required to treat a person who has a mental illness.

Career Paths in Psychology

There are many career paths in psychology. Psychologists have careers in research, teaching, consulting, and more. Colleges offering psychology degrees have increased in recent years because of the growth of subfields such as clinical psychology. There is a predicted increase in the number of psychology jobs. In the future, some of these new psychology professionals will be working on research teams dedicated to improving education and training programs for people with disabilities or other special needs through early diagnosis and intervention.

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