Home Science & Technology Chemistry ALD Full Form

ALD Full Form

ALD Full Form

ALD Full Form is an Antenna Line Device

ALD stands for Antenna Line Device. An antenna is an integral part of the receive path and all devices connected to receive path are known as Antenna Line Devices. Some of the ALDs are RET antennas, VSWR measuring units, TMAs, boosters, and other tower-top equipment.

ALD Full Form is Architecture Level Design

ALD long-form is Architecture Level Design. We can define Architecture Level Design as it is the model where we can place the subsystems of any main system with accurate connectivity as well as behaviour. Mostly such designs are abstract but they correlate with hardware that built.

Some other ALD full forms are given below:

Automated Logic DiagramElectrical & Electronics
Asymmetric Life DependencyTechnology
Attribute List DisplayWebsite Development
Alcoholic Liver DiseaseDiseases & Conditions
Assistive Listening DeviceInstruments & Devices
Atomic Layer DepositionChemistry
Asymmetric Laplace DistributionStatistics
Autonomy Liberty Democracy
Arakan League for Democracy
Assistant Lighting DesignerTitles
ALD Full Form

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