Home Academic AIBC Full Form

AIBC Full Form

AIBC Full Form

AIBC Full Form is the Architectural Institute of British Columbia

AIBC stands for Architectural Institute of British Columbia. It is Canada based regulatory body for architects. It provides registering and licensing facilities to all architects in the Province of British Columbia of Canada.

AIBC Full Form is Assistant Instructors Basic Course

AIBC meaning in English is Assistant Instructors Basic Course. It is a military-related course that consists of various types of physical activities like physical fitness, swimming, self-defence, etc.

AIBC Full Form is Australia Indonesia Business Council

AIBC definition is Australia Indonesia Business Council. It is a non-profit organization that belongs to the business community of both countries. The role of this organization is to facilitate and promote trade.

AIBC Full Form is Andros Island Bonefish Club

AIBC long-form is Andros Island Bonefish Club. It is the most well-known Bonefish catching spot in the world. People who want to catch Bonefish always prefer to visit AIBC.

AIBC Full Form is the Asian Institute of Business and Communications

We can define AIBC as the Asian Institute of Business and Communications.

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