Home Alphabetical IDBA Full Form

IDBA Full Form

IDBA Full Form

IDBA Full Form is an Internet DataBase Application

IDBA stands for Internet DataBase Application. Internet Database Applications are computer programs that are developed to run on web browsers and communicate with database servers. These are web-based applications, therefore the data can be accessed by using a browser from any location worldwide. IDBAs are basically developed using very few graphics and are developed using XHTML forms, Style Sheets, etc.

IDBA Full Form is Idaho Bankers Association

IDBA long-form is Idaho Bankers Association. It is a full-service traders association for bankers in the area. It has every type of banker that belongs to small or large banks. The main mission of this association is to provide information related to their needs and to promote the interest of the banking industry.

IDBA Full Form is Indo-Danish Business Association

IDBA meaning is Indo-Danish Business Association. It is the networking forum for Indian and Danish firms in both countries. The objective of this association is to increase trade and direct investment between India and Denmark. IDBA also working to promote Indian companies in Denmark and Danish companies in India.

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