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What is the NPR Full Form?

NPR Full Form
NPR Full Form

NPR Full Form is National Population Register

NPR stands for National Population Register. It is the database of Indian nationals in India. The objective of this database is to create an identity bio-metric database of all Indian nationals. It is different from NCR (National Citizens Register). It is necessary for every usual resident to India to register in NPR. It consists of the Indian nationals as well as foreign nationals.

NPR Full Form is Nepalese Rupee

NPR stands for Nepalese Rupee. NPR is a code of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal’s currency. It was introduced in 1932 when Nepal was the Kingdom of Nepal and in 2018 Nepal became the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. NPR is further subdivided into 100 paisas. Central Bank of Nepal which is called Nepal Rastra Bank is controlling the Nepalese Rupee.

NPR Full Form is National Public Radio

NPR stands for National Public Radio. NPR is an American based nonprofit radio station located in Washington DC, United States of America. It is a private and public-funded media organization. It was globally available in 1971 but it was established in 1970 and its headquarter is located in Washington DC. It is affiliated with WRN Broadcast. NPR is producing cultural programs along with the news.

See also  IDF Full Form

NPR Full Form is Nuclear Posture Review

NPR stands for Nuclear Posture Review. NPR is the process in the USA to determine the nuclear capabilities deterrence and the first NPR was ordered in 1994 by the secretary of Department of Defence. A total of four NPRs were conducted in the year 1994, 2002, 2010 and 2018.

NPR Full Form is Nippon Piston Ring

NPR stands for Nippon Piston Ring. The official name of NPR is called Nippon Piston Ring Co., Ltd. Its headquarters is located at Saitama City, Saitama, Japan and it was established in 1934. NPR is producing and selling of sale of automobile engine parts, marine engine parts, train parts, and other products.

NPR Full Form is Noise Preferential Routes

NPR stands for Noise Preferential Routes. It is a type of aircraft route when an aircraft takes off from any airport it follows the specific routes which are called Noise Preferential Routes. Aircraft will follow the route until the air traffic controller not directed him to another route.

NPR Full Form is Nail Polish Remover

NPR stands for Nail Polish Remover. NPR is any type of organic solvent and it may include scents, oil, and coloring. NPR which is normally used is the acetone and if it used frequently will cause skin cracks around the nails or dry skin. Ethyl acetate can also be used as a nail polish remover. Acetonitrile can also be used as a nail polish remover. But it is much toxic.

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