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What is The Terms And Conditions Short Form

Terms And Conditions Short Form

Terms And Conditions Short Form

Terms and conditions are also known as terms of service or terms of use. The short form of Terms and Conditions is T&C. Terms of service short form are TOS or ToS. Terms of use short-form are ToU.


Terms of Service, Terms and conditions, Terms of Use is the legal agreement between the service provider and consumer or visitor. When anyone wants to use the service of any service provider they need to agree with the terms and conditions. In the case of a website, the T&C is also considered a disclaimer if the disclaimer is not provided separately. Vague language and long sentences are very much affecting the privacy of consumers. Moreover, it also raised general public awareness.

Terms and Conditions are mostly used in digital products like websites, transport services, web browsers, web search engines, e-commerce, and social media. So that it is used by different companies for legal purposes. Companies can enforce their T&C as legal documents with the help of refusing their services if someone is not agreed with the Terms and conditions.

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