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What is the AHS Full Form

AHS Full Form
AHS Full Form, AHS meaning, AHS definition, Full Form of AHS

AHS Full Form is Adventist Health Studies

AHS meaning is Adventist Health Studies. Loma Linda University has started this project and the purpose of this project is to about the measurement of the link between diet, lifestyle, disease, and mortality of Seventh-day Adventists. It is a long-term medical research project. It is also called the third larger ongoing study that includes Adventists throughout the United States and Canada. Two AHS has been conducted one in 1976 which is called AHS-I and the second is AHS-II which is conducted in 2002.

AHS Full Form is the Academy of Health Sciences

AHS definition is the Academy of Health Sciences. It was a medical training school of the US Army before 2015 but in 2015 its status was changed from school to center. As a result of the reorganization, it was renamed as the Department of Training and Academic Affairs (DoTAA).

AHS Full Form is the Automated Highway System

AHS meaning is an Automated Highway System. It is based on the smart road concept under this concept the companies are manufacturing driver-less cars and it is proposed an intelligent transportation system.

AHS Full Form is Adelaide High School

AHS definition is Adelaide High School. It is the first Australian government based high school in the south of Australia and the schooling system of this school is coeducation. It was established in 1908 and located in West Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. It is an urban school and its motto is “Not only for school but for life”. This school has created many renowned Australian key persons who are serving on the top positions of their profession.

AHS Full Form is Aitkin High School

AHS definition is Aitkin High School. AHS is a public high school which was established in 1894 and located in Aitkin, Minnesota, USA. The motto of this school is “We believe everyone can learn and can experience success”. It offers services to middle and high school students from grades 7-12. This school has 600 students capacity every year but this school enrolls 400 students in high school as well as 200 students in the middle section.

AHS Full Form is Aylesbury High School

AHS meaning is Aylesbury High School. This school is a single-sex school and established in 1959 in the area of Walton Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England. The motto of this school is “prepare, challenge, inspire”. This school takes its students from a wide area of England. This school became an academy in 2011 and also awarded specialist school for languages in the same year and it still holds this status.

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