Table of Contents
ECE Full Form is Early Childhood Education
ECE meaning is Early Childhood Education. This type of education is for children who are between the age of 0-8 years. Its also called nursery education in various countries. It is also related to the 3rd-grade education. It is the field of education in European countries and it is for the development of children.
ECE Full Form is Economic Commission for Europe
ECE stands for Economic Commission for Europe. It is also called the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. It was established in 1947 as the regional branch and primary body of UNO. It belongs to the United Nations Economic and Social Council as a regional commission. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
ECE Full Form is Electrical & Computer Engineering
We can define ECE as Electrical & Computer Engineering. It is the branch of engineering which uses both electrical and computer engineering core subjects. It uses electrical hardware, theory, control circuit, programming to solve the problems related to electrical and computer. It is involved in different industries like the aerospace industry, biomedical engineering, and intellectual property law.
ECE Full Form is Endothelin-Converting Enzyme
ECE definition is Endothelin-Converting Enzyme. It is the type of enzyme and it belongs to the peptidase family M13.
ECE Full Form is Enhanced Character Edit
ECE meaning is Enhanced Character Edit. This term is used in video gaming development.
ECE Full Form is E. Coyote Enterprises
ECE stands for E. Coyote Enterprises. It was established in 1977 and it sells the camera, film, and also other supplies related to these items.
ECE Full Form is Electron Cyclotron Emission
ECE definition is Electron Cyclotron Emission. This theory is used In magnetized plasmas, electrons will gyrate around magnetic field lines and emit cyclotron radiation. The cyclotron resonance condition and gives the frequency of emission. It uses Plank’s law to measure the intensity of the emission.
ECE Full Form is Energy Conversion Efficiency
We can define ECE as Energy Conversion Efficiency. In energy terms, it is the ratio of any output energy getting from any energy conversion machine to input energy given to the same machine. Type of energy can be electrical, chemical, mechanical, heat, etc. This term is used for useful energy from the machine.
ECE Full Form is Energy Critical Element
ECE meaning is Energy Critical Element. The chemicals and isotopes needed to create a sustainable energy source are Energy Critical Element (ECE) and can cause disruptions to the supply. Although their availability and limitations are related, many foreign financial institutions are relatively common, but their supply is at risk.
ECE Full Form is Electronics and Communication Engineering
ECE stands for Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is the branch of engineering that is using the electronics and communication core theories and subjects to solve the problems of communications.
ECE Full Form is Early Clinical Exposure
ECE long-form is Early Clinical Exposure. It is the method of teaching in medical sciences and with the help of this method students interact with the patients. This method is used after the 1st year of medical studies.