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LBS Full Form is a Location-Based Service
LBS meaning is a Location-based service. It is the software service used by any software application for providing services to its users. This service is used in many computer applications and websites related to the various fields of life like tracking, location-based advertisement, social media, navigational applications, etc.
LBS Full Form is Lauder Business School
LBS stands for Lauder Business School. It is a business school-type institution that is operating as a University of Applied Sciences. It was established in 2003 and is located in Vienna, Austria. It is a government-funded university in the field of applied sciences.
LBS Full Form is Lease Buyback Scheme
LBS definition is the Lease Buyback Scheme. Singapore’s government has introduced this scheme for the welfare of their people in the field of housing. Minister for National Development, Mah Bow Tan has introduced this scheme in the Singapore parliament.
LBS Full Form is Lekki British School
We can define LBS as Lekki British School. It is a British international school located in the area of Lekki, Lagos State and it was established in the year 2000. This school has three main sections preschool, Junior school, and high school. A boarding facility is available for high school students.
LBS Full Form is Lexington Broadcast Services Company
LBS meaning is Lexington Broadcast Services Company. Initially, it was known as Lexington Broadcast Services and later it was called LBS communications. It was established in 1976 and dysfunctional in 1992. Its headquarters is located in New York City, New York, United States of America.
LBS Full Form is Liberia Broadcasting System
LBS stands for Liberia Broadcasting System. It is the Broadcast radio network and television network in Liberia. It was owned by the government of Liberia. LBS was established as a corporation in 1960.
LBS Full Form is London Business School
LBS definition is London Business School. It was established in 1964 as a business school and it is the constituent college of the federal University of London. Its motto is “To have a profound impact on the way the world does business”. LBS is ranked at the top of the business school in the world.
LBS Full Form is Louise Brooks Society
We can define LBS as the Louise Brooks Society. It is the internet resource an online archive that is devoted to the silent film star Louise Brooks. The main aim of this society is to promote awareness regarding the film, dancers, writers, and actresses.
LBS Full Form is Lal Bahadur Shastri
LBS meaning is Lal Bahadur Shastri. He is the 2nd Prime Minister of India and he was born from 1906 to 1966. He was focused on milk production in the country and established the National Dairy Development Board. He was the leader of the White and Green revolution.
LBS Full Form is Mt. Baker Legendary Banked Slalom
LBS stands for Mt. Baker Legendary Banked Slalom. It is also called Legendary Banked Slalom. LBS is a snowboarding competition that is held annually since 1985 at Mt. Baker Ski Area, in Washington State, United States of America.
LBS Full Form is a Local Bike Shop
LBS definition is a Local bike shop. It is also known as a local bicycle shop. The independent bicycle dealer term is used in the United Kingdom for the same purpose. It is a small form of business for the sale of bicycles and their parts. Some of the shopkeepers also do the maintenance of bicycles.