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What is the POLICE Full Form

Police Full Form
Police full form, Police definition, SWAT meaning, DGP full form, Police meaning, IPS ka full form, Cops meaning, Patrolling meaning, SHO full form in police, Arresting meaning, Kettling meaning, Constable means, Sub inspector means, Police long form, Police stands for,

Police Full Form is Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies

Police definition is Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies. They are the group of people and constituted bodies that are empowered by the law enforcement in the area. Basically, they are all uniform people and every country’s police uniform colour and pattern are different. but they can assign any person for a covert operation in civil dresses. They are responsible for enforcing laws, preventing any kind of civil disorder, saving lives, counter-terrorist activities, and punishing criminals. There are various police stations in the country, state, province, etc. Every police station head is called Station House Officer (SHO). It is a government job. Police full form is Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.

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