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What is the VDIS Full Form

VDIS Full Form
VDIS Full Form, VDIS meaning, VDIS stands for, VDIS long form, VDIS definition, Define VDIS,

VDIS Full Form is Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme

VDIS meaning is Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme. This was a very unconventional but successful step in India’s economic policy. This will enable non-residents to disclose their undisclosed income at applicable tax rates. The system also ensures that economic crime laws do not apply to such criminals. More than 350,000 people have pledged income and assets under the scheme, which has brought in ₹78 billion to the Indian Ministry of Finance. The system was shut down on December 31, 1997.

There are also some other queries asked on the internet regarding the VDIS full form and some of them are given below:

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